Anna Graham

Conferences & Events Administrator

Anna joined the BGS in June 2022. She previously worked in events and communications for the London School of Economics and Bipolar UK and studied Sociology at the University of Sussex.


Areas of responsibility:

  • Supporting the Conferences and Events Manager in processing conference registrations, providing confirmation and supporting correspondence to delegates, sponsors and speakers
  • Providing logistics support for conference speakers, staff and contributors
  • Administering abstract submissions and supporting the local officers of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Nations and Regions
  • Supporting the Communications and PR manager in promoting the BGS membership and conference activities

Anna is one of the main contacts for delegate queries and supporting registrations. She is also responsible for identifying venues and marketing our events. She enjoys organising events as well as communicating with BGS members.

She can be reached via email at or Her phone on 020 8106 6192.