Areas of responsibility
- Producing, editing and designing the bi-monthly membership magazine AGENDA in print and online.
- Editing, reviewing and maintaining the BGS website and managing the Society's web presence.
- Co-ordinating the development, production and promotion of all BGS publications and resources in digital and print format.
Amy joined the British Geriatrics Society in November 2018 and has worked in a number of healthcare editorial roles since graduating in 2006, most recently at the Royal College of Surgeons where she was responsible for producing journals and standards publications for dentists working in primary care.
Prior to this, she edited, wrote for and managed various journals and magazines aimed at multidisciplinary healthcare professionals including health visitors, primary care nurses, GP commissioners, practice managers and specialists in secondary care.
Amy is always keen to hear from anyone who is interested in contributing content to AGENDA or the website and can be reached at editor@bgs.org.uk. She Tweets at @Amy_Brewerton.
Amy Brewerton, Publications & Website Editor